Music Structure Overview: New TISMIR Paper
Very happy to announce that, after almost a period of 3 years (!!) our latest journal paper has been published in the Transactions of Music Information Retrieval (TISMIR), under the special 20th anniversary issue. This one is an overview of the topic I did my PhD Dissertation on: Computational Music Structure Analysis.

It all began back in 2017, when Gautham Mysore reached out to encourage me to write an overview paper for the Special Issue on Music Processing in the IEEE Signal Process Magazine that he was editing. I had the luxury of teaming up with an all-star team, but unfortunately our overview got rejected due to the strict formatting of the magazine (we ended up writing a long, highly detailed article, but the magazine was looking for a higher-level overview, with a maximum of 20 citations).
So, we decided to “pivot,” and re-write and submit our work to the 20th Anniversary of MIR special issue of TISMIR. I am particularly proud of this one, since it feels like closing a full circle with the work I did during my PhD. The initial work submitted to the SP Magazine has dramatically improved, and we have been able to include the latest techniques and discuss the current challenges in full detail.
We hope that with this publication newcomers to the field get convinced that this is a fascinating topic to do research on. Moreover, we also aim to inspire seasoned practitioners to keep working on this challenging and yet important topic under the MIR field.
I’d like to give special thanks to my co-authors and the editors and reviewers of this great journal. This would have been impossible to write without you all!
Here you have the full citation:
Nieto, O., Mysore, G.J., Wang, C.-. i ., Smith, J.B.L., Schlüter, J., Grill, T. and McFee, B., 2020. Audio-Based Music Structure Analysis: Current Trends, Open Challenges, and Applications. Transactions of the International Society for Music Information Retrieval, 3(1), pp.246–263. DOI: