Year 12,024 of the Human Era
Wed, Jan 1, 2025
3-minute read
And just like that, the year 12,024 of the Human Era is over. And what a year it has been! Biggest highlights: I got married and organized ISMIR in San Francisco. N.B.: organizing a large international research conference is way more stressful and time consuming and less fun than getting married (in case you’re having crazy thoughts).
On top of that, I travelled an embarrassing amount, emitting more CO2 than most humans. Sorry planet and future generations, this is truly terrible and it’s gotten out of hand.

Here I go with the list that can somewhat summarize this intense yet beautiful 12,024:
- Start of the year in Baja California Sur, staring at the moon over the Pacific Ocean
- Epic skiing both in Tahoe and the Rockies
- I see Tool in Denver. Even after seeing them so many times, they keep reaching parts of my myself that I didn’t know were reachable
- I vote for the first time as a US citizen and it’s hella confusing
- For the first time in my life, I experience a total solar eclipse and it is epically beautiful
- Visit Austin for the first time and it is awesome
- Several Rumbahía shows make my life happier
- ICLR in Vienna to present our CompA work (spending the nights in the most surreal hotel room)
- Welcome home, Guillermo (our new car)!
- I go to NYC for a long weekend because I love it too much (and my friend has an incredible 2 year old)
- CVPR in Seattle. Seattle is beautiful!
- Best birthday ever camping in Yosemite with my fiancita
- Drinking cava with my grandpa in Barcelona
- La Bossa d’Urina summer world tour with Litos!
- Festa Major de Granollers for the first time with Anita
- We get married and it is beautiful! :_D
- New video of La Bossa d’Urina, La Solució
- We have an incredible set of interns and our team basically kills it at Adobe MAX
- Welcome home, little Telly!
- I go to NYC for another long weekend because I love it too much (and my friends celebrate their 10 year wedding anniversary and I play a song for them)
- We go to Portland and I find a signed copy of Infinite Jest for $17
- The orange dude wins (not surprised)
- I organize ISMIR and it is epic
- Thanksgiving in beautiful Pasadena (heaven on earth)
- Our Sketch2Sound technology goes viral with over 200k likes! :O
- Christmas in Barcelona
- The best World Tour with La Bossa d’Urina takes place over winter with 5 shows around Catalonia <3
- I rock the fuck out in my hometown with As the Covers
- End of the year staring at incredible fireworks and beautiful drones on top of the font màgica in Barcelona with my wife